Piano Lesson Service
Get your own Piano Lesson!
Send me an email at pianoinhiphop@gmail.com with the Subject "Personal Piano Lesson Request" to get started!
Everyday I receive request for Piano Lesson to songs that I'm not able to get to. Sometimes the song is too old or maybe to obscure for my channel. I still want to be able to get these "off the beaten path" songs to you so with that said I am now offering a Personal Piano Lesson Service.
You can expect the same chord based style Piano Lesson that I have on my Youtube page, but now for any song and from any genre you choose.
How much does a video cost?
Every song will start at $25 dollars and I will add 5 dollars for each new section of chords.
1 Continous Loop = $25
**Drake's "Marvins Room" would be an example of this price point**
2 Sections of chords = $30
**Tyler the Creator's "See you again" would be an example of this price point.
One main section and then a switch up at the end of the song.**
3 Sections of chords = $35
4 sections of chords = $40
How do I get a video?
Step 1
Send me an email at pianoinhiphop@gmail.com with the Subject "Personal Piano Lesson Request". In the body let me know what song you'd like me to breakdown for you
Step 2
I will send you an email back letting you know that I can do it, and the price for the song(s). Followed by a Paypal (or google) money request form.
Step 3
As soon as the Money Request form is paid, I will begin making the piano lesson video. Typically I'll be able to finish them within 3 days.
Step 4.
The video is then emailed to you. (.mp4 format)
What can I expect to receive?
Heres a video of exactly what it will look like when the video is sent back to you
Send me an email at pianoinhiphop@gmail.com with the Subject "Personal Piano Lesson Request" to get started!