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Piano Lesson Service

Get your own Piano Lesson!

Send me an email at with the Subject "Personal Piano Lesson Request" to get started!


Everyday I receive request for Piano Lesson to songs that I'm not able to get to. Sometimes the song is too old or maybe to obscure for my channel. I still want to be able to get these "off the beaten path" songs to you so with that said I am now offering a Personal Piano Lesson Service.


You can expect the same chord based style Piano Lesson that I have on my Youtube page, but now for any song and from any genre you choose.


How much does a video cost?

Every song will start at $25 dollars and I will add 5 dollars for each new section of chords.


1 Continous Loop = $25

**Drake's "Marvins Room" would be an example of this price point**

2 Sections of chords = $30

**Tyler the Creator's "See you again" would be an example of this price point.

One main section and then a switch up at the end of the song.**

3 Sections of chords = $35

4 sections of chords = $40






How do I get a video?

Step 1

Send me an email at with the Subject "Personal Piano Lesson Request". In the body let me know what song you'd like me to breakdown for you

Step 2

I will send you an email back letting you know that I can do it, and the price for the song(s). Followed by a Paypal (or google) money request form.

Step 3

As soon as the Money Request form is paid, I will begin making the piano lesson video. Typically I'll be able to finish them within 3 days.

Step 4.

The video is then emailed to you. (.mp4 format)

What can I expect to receive?

Heres a video of exactly what it will look like when the video is sent back to you

Send me an email at with the Subject "Personal Piano Lesson Request" to get started!






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